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Train the Trainer Part 1: An Introduction to Embodia

Embodia is an all-in-one platform that offers online continuing education for healthcare professionals, as well as EMR, complete practice management, HEP, Telerehab, and two-way messaging. Though it is open to all healthcare professionals, most Embodia members are rehabilitation professionals.

Embodia offers a tiered membership, which includes a free membership tier. You can find an outline of our membership tiers here.

There are four types of accounts on Embodia: 

  1. Instructors
  2. Course Admins
  3. Practitioners
  4. Patients

1. Instructors

Being the Instructor of a course has the following purposes:

  • Display the instructor information on the course page including their headshot, credentials, and bio
  • The instructor is searchable in the drop-down menu on Embodia Academy:

    Embodia Academy - search for an instructor

  • The Instructor's signature can be included on the certificate of completion
  • Indicate the revenue cut that the instructor receives for purchases of the course

Each course can have unlimited instructors displayed on the page, but typically one course will have 1-4 instructors. 


2. Course Admins

Course Admins are Practitioner accounts (i.e.: sign in as a Practitioner on Embodia) that have access to the administrative functions of a course. This includes the ability to:

  • Edit the course information
  • Upload content to the course
  • Edit content in the course
  • View the statistic reports in the course

Usually, Instructors are also the Course Admins in their own courses. However, this does not have to be the case. For example, you can be the Instructor but not the Course Admin and vice versa.

Course Admin status is required to use the features outlined in the Train-the-Trainer series of courses. 


3. Practitioners

Practitioners on Embodia are healthcare professionals, usually working in a rehabilitation environment. They can create a free account to access courses and webinars available on Embodia.  


4. Patients

Patients use Embodia when their practitioner invites them. Patients use Embodia to access, view and track their home exercise programs, join virtual consults, complete questionnaires, and message with their practitioner. 

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