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Home Exercise Programs (HEP) on Embodia

To create a new education, go to HEP > Education tab, and click 'Upload Education'

Creating new education on Embodia


This will bring you to the 'New Education' page. Here you will fill out the information about the exercise you are creating:

Creating new education on Embodia

Let's go through each section shown in the above image.

First, give your education a title. You can come back and edit the title of the education anytime you like (it is not set in stone)!

Title of education on Embodia


Next, add education tags. These are the tags used to find education in the library. You can add as many tags as you like. Education tags are different from exercise tags. Education tags can be anything you like. Type in the box as shown below and separate each tag with a comma.


Education tags on Embodia

You can change the author of the education. 


Change the author of education on Embodia


Select the visibility of your education. There are 3 possible options but you may not see all of these options on your account. We will describe the options below the screenshot:

Creating new education on Embodia

Option 1:
'I want to make this education public so that all practitioners using Embodia can view it and prescribe it to their patients'  - Embodia grants some clinicians and clinics permission to make their education publicly available in the library. If you would like to contribute to the public library, please email us at

Option 2: 'I want to make this education accessible to my clinics' - you will see this option if you are connected to a clinic on Embodia. This option allows you to make education available to your colleagues and create a clinic content library.

Option 3: 'I prefer to keep this education private so only I can view and share it' - this option is available to all clinicians on Embodia. Select this option to keep your education private to your account so that only you can view and share it.


Click the 'Create Education' button.

Creating new education on Embodia

We will go through adding content (such as a video or image) to your education in the help article 'How to create your own education: Step 2 - Adding content.'

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