Role of Manometry Assessment for the Investigation of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Role of Manometry Assessment for the Investigation of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
This course includes
The instructors
Chronic constipation (CC) and fecal incontinence are common disorders, reported in 14% of the general population. Both conditions can be related to anorectal neuromuscular sensory and/or motor dysfunction.
Pelvic floor dyssynergia (dyssynergic defecation (DD)) is found in at least one-third of patients with chronic constipation. We have recently reported that patients’ self-report constipation symptoms using a standardized questionnaire are useful in predicting DD in patients with CC.
This online course will present the utility of clinical history along with digital rectal examination to determine the DD in patients presented with CC. This would allow clinicians to make a timely diagnosis to implement an appropriate treatment program, including biofeedback therapy, or referral for further investigation with ARM and BET.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, you will learn:
- About introduction to manometry assessment.
- The epidemiology of constipation.
- Constipation: translating symptoms.
- Chronic constipation: a treatment algorithm.
- The utility of history in determining DD.
- Anorectal manometry procedure.
- ARM - reading the results.
What’s Included In This Online Physiotherapy Course?
- More than 41 minutes of video lessons.
- Bite-sized information: All of the content is broken down into bite-sized chunks, so that you can easily watch a video on your break, over lunch, or for a few minutes at night.
- Lifetime access. You can return to this course at any time. If any material is updated or added, you will have access to the new content.
- Certificate of completion. Once you've completed the course, you will receive a certificate for your professional portfolio.
- Downloadable slides/workbook so you can follow along as you take the course.
- Access to this course is through Embodia, and although some of the content may be downloadable (such as a workbook or slides if included), the majority cannot. This is to protect the instructor’s material and to prevent the content from being shared freely on the Internet.
- Embodia is mobile-friendly and can be accessed by phone, tablet, and computer.
- There is no start date or completion date. You can complete the course at your own pace.
- You will be sent a receipt as soon as you purchase this course. This receipt can be used for education grants and for tax purposes.
- A special coupon for 15% off any other online course on Embodia Academy when you’ve completed this course!
This online course is for all rehabilitation professionals, including physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, chiropractors, athletic therapists, exercise therapists, and kinesiologists. This course is also relevant for movement specialists, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and those interested in learning more about pelvic floor health and wellness.
This course imparted by Pelvic Health Solutions (PHS) contains the recorded lectures from the 6th annual Pelvic Health Symposium in 2019. This course will challenge your theoretical and practical knowledge of pelvic health. Listen to their knowledge, and deepen your understanding of pelvic health and all of the factors that will make you a top-notch, excellent practitioner. You don’t have to be a practicing internal pelvic health therapist in order to benefit from this course - If your patient has a pelvis, you will benefit from this online course!
The instructors

Pelvic Health Solutions (PHS) is an evidence-based teaching company that aims to educate and empower physiotherapists, healthcare professionals, and everyday people about pelvic health.
PHS was founded in 2010 out of the need to develop pelvic health resources in Ontario at a time when it was an under-serviced health concern. PHS provides continuing education courses, mentoring, and clinical resources for a variety of practitioners with the goal of equipping them to deliver evidence-based, biopsychosocial assessment and treatment of pelvic health problems in our province and abroad.
Our company also exists as a way to connect people experiencing pelvic health concerns to pelvic health physiotherapists in their area. PHS has ultimately blossomed into a community of curious people who are committed to providing hope and healing to those who suffer from pelvic health issues.

Dr. Louis Liu, completed his Bachelor, Masters and PhD in Engineering, followed by Doctor of Medicine at McMaster University. He is the Head of Gastroenterology in University Health Network and Sinai Health System, and the Director of the Clinical Motility Unit in University Health Network. Dr. Liu has been actively involved in medical education. He established the University of Toronto Neurogastroenterology and Motility Fellowship Program in 2009 and the International Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program at UHN and MSH. In addition, he served as the course co-director of the Metabolism and Nutrition Unit in the University of Toronto undergraduate MD Program between 2011-2015. Internationally, he is the University of Toronto Lead of the GI Residency Training Program at Addis Ababa University of Ethiopia and inaugurated the first Endoscopy Training Center in Ethiopia at the Tikur Anbessa Hospital with the support from World Gastroenterology Organization in 2015. He is a dedicated and accomplished educator and researcher who has received multiple education and research awards.
Material included in this course
Epidemiology: Constipation
Quiz 1
Constipation: Translating Symptoms
Quiz 2
Chronic Constipation: Treatment Algorithm
Utility of History in Determining DD
Quiz 3
Ano-Rectal Manometry Procedure
ARM - Reading the Results
Can I Share A Course With A Friend Or Colleague? How Does The Group Discount Work?
Each course purchase is for a single viewer only, and may not be shared. If you are interested in group/staff viewing, please contact us at to arrange a group discount code specifically for your group.
The larger the group, the larger the discount. Each individual must purchase separately with the discount code, and agree to the terms and conditions (legal). This provides each participant with their own copy to review at their pace, their own certificate of completion, and the opportunity to interact with colleagues as you all work collectively through the material.