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Clinic Academy on Embodia

Each course in your Clinic Academy comes with a variety of settings. To view and manage the settings, navigate to the course page and click on Edit settings at the bottom of the page:

Manage settings on Clinic Academy on EmbodiaThen go to the Settings tab.

Managing the settings of your Clinic Academy on Embodia

From here you can:

  • Duration override: override the length of the course displayed on the course page.
  • Position: change the position of the course on the main page of your Clinic Academy.
  • Enable course forum: learn more about course forums in this guide.
  • Discontinue your course: only people who previously had access to the course can view it. No new attendees can join the course.
  • Require course identifier to join the course: a unique set of letter/number will be generated and this code will need to be entered by a participant in order to access this course.
  • Use grid layout: learn more about the grid layout in this guide.
  • Disable progress tracking for attendees: Embodia tracks a course participant's progress in your course. If you want to disable this tracking, check this box.
  • Publish the course: check this box to make your course available to people using your Clinic Academy.
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